This is a course, which aims to produce nurses who are professionally prepared to meet the needs of the
people through quality health services. Further, it aims to produce nurses imbibed with the Christian spirit
of service, social insight, commitment and humanitarian dedication.
Specifically, the BSN programs aims:
1. To prepare the young person for the effective practice of nursing in various settings by providing
a broad basic education necessary for the proper understanding of the principles and methods of
scientific nursing, by giving enough opportunities for active participation and assistance in the
various programs in the health care system, and by actual practice in real situations be it in a
hospital, a clinic, or any health activity in the community wherein the student will later serve;
2. To provide the broadest possible background of cultural and professional discipline and skill
needed for future leader position in nursing; and
3. To develop the personal qualities that would enable the student to live a wholesome, healthful life
as professional and as an individual and to contribute maximally to the welfare and development
of the country particularly in the field of Nursing

Curriculum For Nursing
The College of Nursing operates on the mission of
- 1. Developing Health-frontier workers to administer the necessary measures for a healthy
constituency. - 2. To help and be in support in the carryover of the various health programs of the government, and
- 3. To develop efficient health managers capable of running health centers, clinics and hospitals in
various parts of the region.
The College looks forward that in the year ahead, it shall have produced workers that can effectively
administer the needs services for a healthy constituency.
Further, it is also engrains with the Vision od expanding its program to be more responsive to the
demands and clamor of its clientele, specifically in coming out with dependable, efficient and
knowledgeable health workers who can personally manage health needs as they arise.
This is its Vision which is anchored its operational and academic services.

Teaching Staff