College of Geodetic Engineering
Geodetic Engineering in the Philippines was created during Rizal’s Regime. The first Filipino who becomes surveyor is Jose Rizal, he also a professor in Geodetic Engineering in his time. During his time Geodetic Engineering called Agrimento Remensur in Latin word.
In Northeastern College, Geodetic Engineering was created in 1957 the name of this course before was Associate in Geodetic Surveying. It is only vocational that having two years in curriculum. The very first Dean of this course was Mr. Vicente Salvador.
During 1973 the curriculum was revised and it became Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering, during that time also where Secretary of Department of Education and Culture Juan L. Manuel approved the new revised course of Geodetic Engineering from Associate to Bachelor and it has also a Board Exam to the PRC.
In 1984, Engr. Peter Noble Sr. was served the College of Geodetic Engineering as College Dean until he resigned in the year of 2004 then Engr. Bonifacio V. Lapat was hired as the new College Dean of College of Geodetic Engineering, In June 16, 2021 Engr. Marino C. Quiñones is appointed as OIC Dean of the College of Geodetic Engineering up to present.
Government Recognition: No. 009, s 1997
Program: Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering
Duration: 4 Years
College: College of Geodetic Engineering
Department: College of Engineering
Campus: Villasis, Santiago City
Compliance CHED Memorandum Order No. 89, Series 2017
The NC Department of Geodetic Engineering is the leading institution in geospatial education in the Region 2, research, training and extension.
The College of Engineering looks forward in the years ahead to produce highly technical graduate that could be at par and equally competitive with other college of Engineering in the country, and to better contribute its bigger share in producing the knowledgeable and skilled workers in matter of land surveys and distribution.
The Northeastern College Department of Engineering has its objective a dedicated advocacy to community services spread on the following concerns:
- To train and develop its educands as productive and useful agents in land use evaluation and planning;
- To observe as a complimentary arm of the government in the equitable planning of land resources; and
- To continue of its relevant approach and upgraded facilities and methods of instruction.
The College of Geodetic Engineering operates on the mission of:
- Producing highly qualified, socially responsible and globally competitive Geodetic Engineers.
- Helping and be in support with the Government and other sectors of society in carrying out national development programs designed to uplift the land administration and management..
The College of Geodetic Engineering was envisioned to produce highly globally competitive Geodetic Engineers that can respond with the proficiency to the needs of clients who deserve no less than world class expertise. Further, it also engrained with the vision of becoming the cornerstone of excellence in producing Geodetic Engineer braced with new knowledge and skills that can respond in the ever-changing landscape of the global stage the College of Geodetic Engineers services.
This is its vision upon which is anchored its operational and Geodetic services

Passing percentage 2019 BSGE passers
Course Checklist for GE

Engr. Mariano Quiñones
OIC DEAN: College Of Engineering