
Maharlika Highway, AH26, Santiago, 3311 Isabela

8am – 5pm
Northeastern College’s organization for the student Development is directed, coordinated, monitored and supervised by the heads of the academic, administrative: and student councils Designed to assist the individual student to attain maximum self — Realization and become effective in his social environment.
As a Legal Corporation, Northeastern College falls under the authority of the Board of Directors, Academic and Administrative Officers headed by the President. Academic Council is composed of all Academic Deans, Principal and Department Heads who assist the President on all academic matters. The Administrative Council assists the President in implementing existing administrative polices and in formulating new ones.
The Northeastern College is affiliated with National and Regional associations, to wit:
- Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU)
- Private Education Retirement Annuity Association (PERAA)
- Coordinating Council of Private Education Association (COCOPEA)
- fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE)
- Philippine Association of Graduate Education (PAGE)
- Philippine Association for Teacher Education
- Philippine Association of Geodetic Engineers-
Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Philippine Association of Campus Student Advisers(PACSA)
National Association of Secretarial Educators
Business Management Association of the Philippines
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants
Philippine Association of Campus Students
Student Congress of the Philippines
Habitat for Humanity Philippines
Association of Regional Communicators
Librarians Association of Region 2
Private Schools Athletic Association (PRISAA)
Federation of Parents-Teachers Community Association
Association of Philippine College of Arts and Sciences
Administrative Structure of the School
Policy Making Body
Board of Directors
The general management of the Corporation is vested in the Board of Directors comprising of Ten (10) members must be stockholders of good standing; must be elected annually by the stockholders; and who must serve for one (1) year until the election and qualification of their successors.
The Administrators
The President
The head of the school shall be the President who shall be a director, qualified for the position and elected by majority of the members of the Board of Directors. His term of office shall be for one (1) year.
As the Chief Executive Officer, the President is responsible for the attainment of the mission and objectives of the
school and plans, organized, directs, and controls the institution’s activities in accordance with the policies, directives and strategies set by the Board of Directors.
As Chairman of both the Academic and Administrative Councils, the President shall preside in all meetings of the council. He shall accept all reports and recommendations of the members
and may bring matters deliberated by the council to the Board of Directors for approval.
The Vice President for Administration
The Vice-President for Administration assists the President in all administrative or any administrative-related affairs
of the College. He has the control over the members of the
1 Advises the President in all major policy and administrative matters.
2 Assists the President in developing objectives as well as standards of performance for the school.
3 Insures close communication, relationship, and cooperation among the top administrative officials of the
4 Monitors the performance of the members of the administrative council and non-teaching personnel.
5 Serves as clearing officer for proposals from other organizational units in the college.
6 Performs other duties as required by the President.
The Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Vice-President for Academic Affairs is responsible for exercising academic leadership among colleges, the graduate
school, high school and elementary faculty and personnel. He serves as the Chair of the Collegiate Academic Council. He is
likewise responsible for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the academic activities set forth by the Board of
Trustees and directed by the School President. She/he assists the President in academic or academic-related affairs.
- Chairs the Academic Council and initiates the formulation of the Academic Policies of the College;
2. Spearheads and monitors the implementation of the Academic Policies.
3. Coordinates with the Research Director regarding the evaluation and revision of all academic policies and shall recommend them for review of the Academic Council and final approval of the President.
4. Monitors the performance of the academic deans and teaching personnel.
5. Performs other duties as required by the President The School Treasurer The School Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the
school. He shall be elected by the Board of Directors and shall serve for a term of one (1) year. He exercises supervision over the financial services.
The Academic Heads
•Dean, Graduate School • Dean, College of Law •Dean, College of Liberal Arts •Dean, College of Commerce and Accountancy •Dean, College of Education •Dean, College of Information Technology •Dean, College of Geodetic Engineering •Dean, College of Criminology •Dean, College of Nursing and Midwifery •Dean, Secretarial Department •Principal, High School Department-
the College Deans Including the Deans of the Graduate and College of Law and the principal of the High School Department arc for the planning; organizing and controlling the operations and activities of their respective colleges in accordance the objectives set forth by the Board of Directors and direction given by the President.
The School Registrar
School Registrar is responsible for the school records of students and ensure, preserve and maintain the Integrity and confidentiality of each student records. School Registrar, who is member of both Academic and Administrative Councils, primarily assists the President and Vice Chairman of the Academic and Administrative Councils, in the efficient and effective storing, maintenance, and retrieve of academic records of all students enrolled in any of the colleges and Graduate School of Northeastern College.
The School Building Superintendent
The Building Superintendent is responsible with the general maintenance and genera development of physical plant and facilities of the school. He supervises the maintenance staff in the upkeep, inspection, and repair of the buildings and their upkeep, inspection, and repair of the buildings and their appurtenances. He is also responsible in the planning, preparing and implementing the long range and annual programs of his office.
The Research Director
The Research Director supervises the research projects and activities of the institutions Research Center. She/he leads the staff in the placing, organizing, implementing and evaluation of the research program of the Center.
Accountant is responsible for the keeping and maintenance of the books of accounts of the corporation. He keeps records of the funds and properties of the Corporation and is in-charge of the custody and safekeeping of those funds and properties.
The School Librarian
The School librarian attends to the needs of the students in the K-12, undergraduate, graduate and law, respectively, relative to the use of the library. She is responsible in classifying, accessing, cataloging and indexing newly purchased books, magazines and reading materials; supervising the work of the library assistants; formulating policies regarding the use of the library; maintaining list of all books and to conduct an annual inventory of the same.
The Student Affairs Director
The Student Affairs Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the wide range of student services and non-academic activities of the school.
The Human Resources Director
Develops organization strategies by identifying and researching human resources issues; contributing information, analysis, and recommendations to organization strategic thinking and direction; establishing human resources objectives in line with organizational
• Manages human resources operations by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining staff; planning, monitoring, appraising, and reviewing staff job contributions; maintaining compensation; determining production, productivity, quality, and customer-service strategies; designing systems; accumulating resources; resolving problems; implementing change.
The Social Orientation and Community Involvement Coordinator
The Coordinator strategizes, organizes, designs and implements all extension service activities of students in coordination
with College Deans and coordinates with their respective faculty in-charge
The Academic and Administrative Councils
There shall be Academic Council and Administrative Council with the School President
as Chairman of both Councils. Both Councils shall have one Vice Chairman and
one Secretary who will be both elected from among the members in a joint meeting called for the purpose of electing such positions.
The Chairman
In the absence of the Chairman or whenever so requested or-required by
the Chairman, the Vice Chairman presides on All meetings of the Councils.
The VICE Chairman
The Vice Chairman is responsible in monitoring programs, policies adopted by the council with the emphasis on the degree of the effectivity or failure in the implementation of said programs and policies.
He/She submits to the Council reports concerning the implementation of programs god plans approved by the Council at least a semester or whenever required or as the need arises.
The Secretary
He informs all members of the regular/ special meetings and prepares and furnish each member a copy of the minutes every stated meeting. He accepts/ receives communications addressed to the council and to perform such other functions as may be required by the Chairman in relation to his function as Secretary of the Council.
The Academic Council
The Academic Council is the main forum for academic policy formulation of the Colleges. It formulates and proposes academic, academic —related and formative policies governing academic standards, admission and retention, instruction, curriculum development, review and revision, and students’ academic welfare subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Membership of the Academic Council
The Academic Council shall be composed of all the Deans of Colleges, Principal of the High School Department, the School Registrar and the Research Director as members. strategies in consonance with the goals and objectives of the school.
6. It prepares the academic calendar of the college for the
7. It shall meet no less than once in two months or convened by the President/Chairman. For its regular meetings, it shall solicit and accept proposed agenda from any of its members, but the actual agenda are not confined on those submitted, and shall ensure that minutes of the proceedings arc promptly completed and issued to each member prior to its next meeting.
The Administrative Council
The Administrative Council shall have the power to recommend policies and guidelines on matters concerning the administrative operation of the school subject to the approval of the Board of Directors upon the endorsement of the President/Chairman.
Membership of the Administrative Council
The Administrative Council shall have the following members:
(1) the School Treasurer; (2) the Accountant; (3) the Building Superintendent; and (4) the College Registrar.
Functions of the Administrative Council
1). It defines basic rules, operating procedures and small details necessary to implement the approved administrative policies by the Board of Directors.
Functions of the Academic Council
1. It initiates the formulation, revision, and evaluation of all academic policies approved and endorsed by the President for review and approval of the Board of Directors such as:
A . Policies on student admission, retention, load, graduation requirement, discipline, and academic affairs;
B .Academic standards e.g. on attendance grading system, academic awards, scholarship.
C. Academic requirement such as research, out — reach/ extension;
D . Curriculum development, review and/ or revision, coordination of course offerings;
E .Policies on Faculty Loading System, Performance Standards of Academic — Teaching Personnel; and
F .Other academic and academic — related policies.
2.’ It reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of curricular philosophies and departmental programs and where necessary, recommends the phase out or creation of new programs, new majors and new departments based on feasibility studies presented.
3. It makes Studies and makes recommendations on policies with regard to textbooks, the use of the library and the instructional media centers, and the utilization of all other means of instruction.
4. It commissions committees to undertake in-depth studies or creation of working drafts, which form the background to academic policy-formulation.
5. It reviews, consolidates, and prepares the yearly academic, formative and administrative plans, programs and
strategies in consonance with the goals and objectives of the school.
6. It prepares the academic calendar of the college for the
7. It shall meet no less than once in two months or convened by the President/Chairman. For its regular meetings, it shall solicit and accept proposed agenda from any of its members, but the actual agenda are not confined on those submitted, and shall ensure that minutes of the proceedings arc promptly completed and issued to each member prior to its next meeting.
The Administrative Council The Administrative Council shall have the power to recommend policies and guidelines on matters concerning the administrative operation of the school subject to the approval of the Board of Directors upon the endorsement of the President/Chairman.
Membership of the Administrative Council
The Administrative Council shall have the following members: (1) the School Treasurer; (2) the Accountant; (3) the Building Superintendent; and (4) the College Registrar.
Functions of the Administrative Council
1). It defines basic rules, operating procedures and small details necessary to implement the approved administrative policies by the Board of Directors.
2. It coordinates, consolidates, and prepares the small details involved in the over-all implementation of yearly
administrative plans and programs.
3. It coordinates activities and concerns which cut across various colleges.
4. It formulates, recommends and evaluates the impact of administrative policies and programs on the growth and
development of students, faculty and staff.
The President’s Committees
College Faculty Ranking Committee
l. To recommend to the President the initial rank or level Of new teachers.
2. To make the data available to all concerned individual faculty members for verification purposes prior to submission to the President for approval.
3. To recommend to the President all promotions in rank or level.
4. TO handle requests/appeal Of any faculty for adjustments/corrections in rank upon the direction Of the Vice Chairman Of the Academic/ Administrative Council.
5, To submit for approval of the President, through the Vice Chairman of the Academic/Administrative Council, its recommendations on cases of appeals and/or correction/adjustments in rank.
6. To recommend to the President the upgrading of the salary scale.
College committees
Grievance Committees
1. To work systematically toward conflict resolution and expeditious adjudication Of disputes among members of
the academic community.
2. To serve as an appropriate hearing body to:
A. Establish an orderly method in handling disputes;
B . Settle disputes at the lowest possible level of organization;
C. Prevent discontentment and disenchantment between and among members Of the NC community;
D . Allow parties to appeal the results of the grievance negotiation step by step until a final, binding and executor
settlement is reached.
E . Recommend to the President solutions to disputes/conflicts it addresses. The President may select from the following to compose
the Grievance Committee:
the President or his/her representative Of the Faculty Association; President or his/her representative of the Non-teaching Personnel Organization; Representative Of the Management duly authorized by the School President; Student Affairs Coordinator; President or his/her Representative of the Student Supreme Council.

Discipline Committee
1 . The Disciplinary Committee shall function as a hearing
body before which the complained and respondent-
student will be given the opportunity to hear and bc heard.
2. After the completion of the hearing, the Disciplinary
Board shall meet as often as necessary to deliberate on the
case. The Committee shall not have more than ten (10)
days to render the decision.
3. A full report of the whole proceedings, from its inception
to its termination including the Committee’s findings and
decision shall be submitted to the President for final decision.
Graduation Awards Committee
- To deliberate on the nominees for the different awards given during graduation ceremonies and to recommend the awards to the President.
- TO recommend to the President who should be the valedictory speaker during the commencement exercises.
Committee on Scholarship
1. To assist in the screening of applicants for scholarship through interview and background investigation.
2. To allocate scholarship grants within resource parameters communicated to it by the President upon the recommendation of the Treasurer.
3. To allocate Grant-Aid, Student Assistantship, Personnel benefits, Academic Scholarship within resource parameters communicated to it by the President upon recommendations of the Treasurer.
4. To supervise, maintain, conclude or terminate scholarship according to the scholarship policies of the School with the approval of the School President.
Student Affairs Committee
1. TO accredit co-curricular and extra-curricular organizations.
2. To help facilitate planning and evaluation sessions of the different organizations.
3. To evaluate organizations’ performance during the previous semester.
4. To recommend to the School President the
advisers/ moderators who will receive honorarium.
Graduation Committee
1. To organize graduating students.
2. To take charge Of the drafting and printing of the graduation program and invitation.
3.To practice the graduating students in the conduct of the graduation rites.
4. To practice candidates for graduation in singing the graduation song.
5. To take charge of the liturgy for the graduation rites.
6. To be responsible for the physical arrangement, sounds and decoration.
7. To take charge of the academic gowns, to be worn by the faculty academic staff.
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Scope and Limitation
The Philippine Constitution provides that all educational institutions shall offer quality education for all Filipino citizens, a vision that requires professionally competent teachers committed to its full realization, Northeastern College, Inc. therefore, as a Filipino school, patterns its Code of Ethics for Teachers on the provisions of the Code of Ethics for Professional teachers.
This Code of Ethics covers all full-time and part-time faculty members of the school community of Northeastern College, Inc. The term “teacher” shall include teaching and non -teaching academic personnel and all other persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in school doing academic functions and related services, whether on full-time or part-time basis.
The Teacher and The Northeastern College, Inc
1. The NC teacher implores the help of the Almighty God seeking him through regular prayer for wisdom and discernment for one’s teaching.
2, The NC teacher looks at teaching as both vocation and profession: noble importance and of great responsibility.
3. The NC teacher shall remember that talents and competencies are gifts to be shared with others,
4. The NC teacher shall strive for professional growth by keeping abreast of latest information and knowledge in one’s specific field of teaching, by being open to new ideas on what and how to teach, and by learning from ideas on what and how to teach, and by learning from criticism of superiors, peers and students.
5, Event NC teacher of school official shall actively help carry out the declared vision-mission and policies of the school, and shall commit to personally appropriate the mission and contribute to its fulfillment.
6. Every teacher shall posses and actualize full commitment and devotion to duty,
7, An NC teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political or other partisan interest, and shall not directly, solicit, require, collect or receive any money, service, other valuable material from any persons or entity for such purpose,
8, An NC teacher shall not use his position or official authority of influence to coerce any other person to follow any political action.
9. Every NC teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have the privilege of sharing the product of his/her researchers and investigation.
The teacher and community
1.The NC teacher is a facilitator of learning and development of the youth; he shall, therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such learning and growth, The NC teacher shall promote friendly relations between school and the community.
2.Every NC Teacher Whenever Given The Opportunity shall actively participate in community movement for moral ,social, educational economic and civic betterment.
3.Every NC teacher is looked upon as an example/ model for the youth and as such he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrains from such activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness and other excesses, much less illicit relations.
4, Every NC teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community, and shall, therefore, study and understand local customs and traditions in order to have a sympathetic refrain from disparaging the attitude, therefore, refrain from disparaging the community
5. Every NC teacher is encouraged to welcome every opportunity to participate and extend his/her services, whenever needed, in his/her local community, and to be actively involved in matters affecting the welfare of the people.
- Every NC teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official relations with other professionals, with government officials, and with the people, individually or collectively.
- The NC teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worship that he/she is encouraged to maximize his/her position to contribute to the school’s fulfillment of forming men and women who will be God-fearing
The NC Teacher and The Profession
1. Every NC teacher shall actively help insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.
2, Every NC teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality education, shall make the best preparation for the career of teaching, and shall be at his/her best at all times in the practice of his/her profession.
3, Every NC teacher shall participate in the continuing professional education program of the Professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as will improve his/her efficiency, enhance the prestige of the profession, and strengthen his/her competence, virtues and productivity in order to be nationally and internationally competitive.
4, Every NC teacher shall help, if duly authorized, to seek support for the school, but shall not make improper misrepresentation through personal advertisements and other questionable means.
5. Every NC teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that makes it a dignified means for earning a decent living.
The Teacher and The Teaching Community
l. NC teachers shall, at all times, be imbued with the spirit of professional loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in one another, self-sacrifice for the common good, and full cooperation with colleagues, When the best interest of the learners, the profession is at stake in any controversy, teachers shall support one another,
2, The NC teacher is not entitled to. claim credit for work not of his own, and shall give due credit for the work of others which he/she may use,
3. Before leaving his/her position, the NC teacher shall organize and leave to his/her successor such records and other data as arc necessary to carry on the work.
4. The NC teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates and the school) and shall not divulge to anyone documents which have not yet been officially released, or remove records from the files without official permission.
5. It shall be the responsibility for every NC teacher to seek correctives for what may appear to be unprofessional and unethical conduct or any associate. This maybe done only if there is incontrovertible evidence for such conduct.
6. The NC teacher may submit to the proper authorities any justifiable criticism against an associate preferably in writing, without violating any right of the individual concerned.
7. The NC teacher may apply for a vacant position for which s/he is qualified, provided that s/he respects the system of selection on the basis of merit and competence, provided further that all qualified candidates are given the opportunity to be considered.
The NC Teacher and Higher Authorities in the School<br />
1. The NC teacher shall make it his/her duty to make an honest effort to understand and support the legitimate policies of the school and administration and shall faithfully carry them out,
2. The NC teacher has the right, and under circumstances also the duty, to personally participate in the ongoing improvement of the school using the channels or participation that arc available to him/her such as the faculty association, the Academic Council and personal dialogue to the school administrators.
3. The NC teacher shall not make any false accusation or changes against others, Including superiors, especially surreptitiously, However, If there are valid charges, he/she should formally present such to competent authorities,
4. The NC teacher shall transact all official business through channels except when special conditions warrant a different procedure, such as when reforms are advocated but are opposed by the immediate superior, in which case the teacher shall appeal direct to the appropriate higher authority.
5. The NC teacher, individually or as part of the has a right to seek redress against injustice and discrimination and to the extent possible, shall raise his/her grievances within democratic processes. In doing so, he/she shall avoid jeopardizing the interest and the welfare of the learners whose right to learn must be respected,
6. The NC teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointments, promotions, and transfer of teachers are made only on the basis of competence-merit in the interest of the optimum service in pursuit of- the school mission,
7. NC teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual obligation to live up to his/her contract, assuming full knowledge of the employment terms and conditions.
school Officials, Teachers and Other Personnel
1. School officials at all time show professional courtesy helpfulness and sympathy teacher and Other personnel, such practices being, standards of effective school supervision, dignified administration, responsible leadership and enlightened direction,
2, School officials, teachers and other school personnel shall consider it their cooperative responsibility to formulate policies or introduce important changes in the system at all level.
3. School officials shall encourage and attend to the professional growth of all teachers under them such as recommending them for promotion, giving them due recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing them to participate in conferences and training programs.
4. No school official shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal a teacher or other subordinates except for cause.
- School authorities concerned shall ensure that NC teachers are employed in accordance with pertinent employment policies, and that they are duly qualified professional teachers.
The Teachers and Learners
1. The NC teacher has the right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotion of learners in the subject they handle, Such determination shall be in accordance with generally accepted procedures of evaluation and measurement, In case of any complaint, teachers concerned shall immediately take appropriate action, observing the process,
2.the NC teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of Learners arc his/her first and foremost concern, and shall handle each learner justly and impartially.
3.Under no circumstances shall an NC teacher be prejudiced or discriminatory against any learners,
4.The teacher shall not accept any favor or gift from learners, their parents or others in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, even if deserved.
5.Thc NC teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, and remuneration from tutorials other than what is provided per school policy for such service. The NC teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work on merit and quality of academic performance. Amorous relations between teachers and students are Vehemently discouraged. In situations where such develop between teacher and leaner, the NC teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip, and preferential treatment of the learner.
- The NC teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners not make deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship,
9, The NC teacher shall insure that conditions contributive to the maximum development of learners are adequate and shall extend needed assistance in preventing or solving learner’s problems and difficulties,
The Teacher and Personal Business
1.thc NC teacher has to engage, directly or indirectly, in legitimate income generation, provided that it docs not relate to or adversely affect his/her work,
2. The NC teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to financial matters such as in the settlement of his/her just debts, loans and other financial affairs.
3. No NC teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as an agent of, or be financially interested in, and commercial venture which furnishes textbooks and other school commodities in the purchase and disposal of which he can exercise official influence, except only when his assignment is inherently related to such purchase and disposal provided that such shall be in accordance with existing regulations.
The Teacher as a Person
1. The NC teacher shall live with dignity in all places at all times.
2. The NC teacher places a premium upon self-respect and self-discipline as principles of personal behavior in all relationship with others and in all situations.
3, The NC teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could serve as model worthy of emulations by learners, peers and others,
4, The NC teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of his/her own destiny and of the destinies Of men and nations.
The NC Teacher and The Administration
I. The NC teacher’s relationship with the administration characterized by communication, professionalism and sense of community.
2. The NC teacher shall take responsibility to be familiar with how the school organization works. Whenever consulted by the administration on matters of school the NC teacher shall unconditionally contribute one’s best ideas. The NC teacher shall accept assignments, or better, shall volunteer to serve school committees. He/ She shall support ant attend, whenever possible, all school functions and activities. He/ She shall be punctual in submitting required reports.
3. Results of school-sponsored research projects and any unpublished school information are NC property. The teacher shall not profit from their use, unless with a formal agreement with the school. Unless otherwise authorized, the NC teacher shall use school facilities or services for work purposes only,
4. The NC teacher respects confidentiality of records and information entrusted him/her, even leaving the school.
Disciplinary Action
1, Any violation of any provision of this Code of Ethics shall be sufficient ground for the imposition against the erring teacher of an appropriate administrative sanction and/or disciplinary action.
2, Any administrative or disciplinary sanction shall comply with the requirements of due process of law.
Types and Status of Employment
Type of Employment
Northeastern College personnel are divided into Academic and Non-Academic Personnel, The academic personnel include all academic administrators and all faculty members. The rest are considered non-academic or non-teaching staff.
(Regular) employment is granted upon satisfactory completion of all probationary requirements; or if not terminated within the three-year probationary period.
employment for the college faculty members is normally three years. Within this probationary period, the faculty must be able to meet the requirements provided for in the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools, An employee on-probation may have his/her employment terminated at any time during the probationary period for due cause as provided under Section 18 of Chapter 4 of this Manual,
employment of personnel covers a definite of fixed period on the
following basis:
a. Project/ Contractual Basis, Employment is for a
specific academic and academic-related project or undertaking; its completion or termination is determined at the time of hiring which shall be expressly provided in the Employment Contract.
b, Emergency/Substitution Basis. Employment is for temporary replacement or substitution of a permanent faculty member/employee on leave or in case of an exceptionally heavy work season.
A full-time teacher is the principal agent in carrying out the mission of Northeastern College, Inc. in the integral formation of men and women towards achievement of the NC’nian Profile.
A full-time teacher is one who carries a twelve(12) unit teaching load every regular semester and has nine (9) unit teaching load every summer term. He/ She is expected to stay in the school during the day and designated hours to perform his/her teaching duties. Aside from his/her teaching time, a full-time teacher also spends extra time in the school to perform other functions such as:
Attendance in school outside-the-classroom activities (like student consultation, committee work, etc,) and such assigned him/her by the College Dean;
Guidance and counseling of students; and Research and enrichment activities.
A part-time faculty member participates in carrying out the mission of the school to the extent that his/her part-time status allows. He / She is hired on a contractual basis per semester, summer or year and is given a teaching load according to the needs of the college/department and receives pay accordingly. A part-time faculty member is normally given not more that twelve (12) units of teaching load for the regular semester and twelve (12) units for the summer provided he/she is available during the summer term, the enrolment warrants and the subject which he/she specializes are offered. Any extra load given to part-time faculty member requires the approval of the President upon favorable endorsement of the concerned Graduate School Dean. Pre-Recruitment and Selection The responsibility of recruiting prospective potential faculty member lies with the concerned Graduate School Dean.
Announcement of job opening via radio stations
and cable television.
Application letters and required documents of the
applicants are to be filed/submitted to the Office of the